Epoxy Flooring Is Cheaper Than Tiling: Why?

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Epoxy Flooring Is Cheaper Than Tiling: Why? June 22, 2024 / Post By : Blog

When choosing between epoxy flooring and tiling for your space, it's essential to consider the costs involved. Both options are popular for their unique benefits and aesthetic appeal, but which one is more affordable? In this article, we will compare the costs of epoxy flooring in Mornington Peninsula and tiling to help you make an informed decision.

Epoxy Flooring in Mornington Peninsula

An Epoxy flooring company in Melbourne creates the flooring tiles by mixing epoxy resin with a hardening agent, resulting in a robust and durable surface that can be applied to various substrates, such as concrete, wood, and tiles. Here are some key benefits of epoxy flooring:

Durability: Epoxy flooring is exceptionally durable and can handle heavy foot traffic, spills, and other wear and tear.

Easy Maintenance: It is easy to clean and maintain; a simple sweep or mop will keep it looking great.

Seamless Finish: Epoxy flooring provides a seamless and uniform finish, offering a sleek, modern look.

Chemical and Stain Resistance: It is highly resistant to stains and chemicals, making it ideal for industrial and commercial spaces.

The Cost of Epoxy Flooring

The cost of epoxy flooring in Mornington Peninsula varies depending on factors like the type of epoxy used, the size of the space, and the complexity of the installation. Here are some general cost guidelines:

Traditional Epoxy Flooring: The most affordable option, with costs ranging from $30 to $50 per square meter.

Metallic Epoxy Flooring: More expensive, with costs ranging from $50 to $100 per square meter.

Designer Epoxy Flooring: The most expensive option, with costs ranging from $100 to $200 per square meter.


Tiling involves installing ceramic or porcelain tiles on a substrate to create a durable and visually appealing surface. Here are some benefits of tiling:

Aesthetic Appeal: Tiles come in a wide range of colors, patterns, and textures, allowing for a unique look.

Durability: Tiles are known for their durability and can withstand heavy foot traffic and other types of wear and tear.

Easy Maintenance: Tiles are easy to clean and maintain, making them an excellent choice for high-traffic areas.

The Cost of Tiling

The cost of tiling also varies based on the type of tiles used, the size of the space, and the complexity of the installation. Usually tiles are expensive than epoxy flooring in Mornington Peninsula. So, here are some general cost guidelines:

Ceramic Tiles: The most affordable option, with costs ranging from $50 to $80 per square meter.

Porcelain Tiles: More expensive than ceramic tiles, with costs ranging from $100 to $300 per square meter.

Designer Tiles: The most expensive option, with costs ranging from $300 to $500 per square meter.

Which is Cheaper: Epoxy Flooring or Tiling?

When comparing costs, traditional epoxy flooring is generally less expensive than tiling, with prices similar to those of ceramic tiles. Metallic and designer epoxy flooring, however, can be as costly as porcelain or designer tiles. It becomes affordable if you can manage to find a trusted epoxy flooring company in Melbourne.

Ultimately, while cost is an essential factor, it should not be the only consideration when choosing between epoxy flooring and tiling. Both options offer distinct advantages, and the best choice will depend on your specific needs, preferences, and the intended use of the space.

Stay tuned to our weekly blog posts from Das Epoxy for more interesting and informative topics on epoxy flooring in Mornington Peninsula.

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